Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Fire Safety information 02/16

What is the rationale to convert existing Fire Emergency Plan (FEP) to the Emergency Response Plan (ERP)?

  • The Fire Emergency Plan (FEP) is a plan that contains information on the types of fire safety measures that are provided in designated premises and includes floor layout plans and fire evacuation procedures. Currently, all public buildings are required to formulate a FEP for their building. Buildings that require the appointment of FSM however, not only need the FEP but also the In-Place-Protection (IPP) plan and Arson Prevention Plan (APP). The FSM is also required to conduct Table Top exercises annually.
  • The ERP on the other hand is a more comprehensive plan that integrates all the plans (FEP, IPP and APP). The inclusion of other fire-related emergencies like CBRE attacks is dependent on the risk level of their premises. Essentially, the ERP will outline response procedures to all the different types of fire and fire-related incidents (inclusive of mass casualty incident) in the building and stipulate the relevant actions to be taken to protect and evacuate people in the building under different emergency scenarios.

Premises requiring an ERP

1. Public building

Public building having an occupant load of more than 200 persons in which a Fire Certificate is issued. Example, office buildings, shopping centres, hotels, hospitals, place of public resort, etc.

2. Duties of owners or occupiers

  • To prepare the ERP within 6 months from the commencement of the Fire Safety Amendment Act.
  • To prepare the ERP in accordance the guidelines issued by SCDF.
  • To form a Fire Safety Committee to plan and conduct fire safety programmes including fire evacuation drills and table-top exercises.
  • To review and update the ERP annually.

3. Conducting of evacuation drills and table-top exercises

2 evacuation drills and 2 table-top exercises are required to be conducted annually. However, for those premises which do not require the appointment of FSM, only 2 evacuation drills will have to be conducted annually.

Next date to conduct evacuation drill and table-top exercise would be in June 2016.

1. Emergency Response Plan
2. Guidelines on Arson Prevention Plan
3. Presentation Slides on the Concept and Guideline on IPP for Non-Residential Buildings 

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