Monday, March 14, 2016

Fire Safety information 01/16

Welcome to our Fire Safety News at JTC Launchpad @ One-North. This is a private blog for Fire Wardens of Blk 79 and Blk 73 Ayer Rajah Crescent.. The intended purpose is to provide awareness in Fire Safety.
Last December 2015, we had completed our Table-top exercise and Fire Drill. This in accordance with Fire Safety Regulations to conduct 2 table-top exercise and fire drill per year. We would like to encourage in future more participants to participate and familiarise with emergency scenarios.
IMG-20151221-WA0001 IMG-20151221-WA0002

Under the regulations, fire warden to be appointed by the organisation to provide assistance in handling emergency scenarios. In the event of fire; the following steps are to follow;

As a Fire Warden / Assistant Fire Warden
  1. Alert everyone on his storey/office to evacuate in an orderly manner using the nearest exit
  2. Check all offices, stores, toilet, etc to ensure that no one is left behind
  3. Ensure that disabled, children, pregnant woman, etc if present in their storey are given particular attention during the evacuation
  4. Leave the building after ascertaining that all the occupants of the floor have complied with his order
  5. On reaching the assembly area , conduct a roll call of the staff present and report to the coordinator.
Checking attendance
Fire Warden have to take attendance of staff who is present at the assembly area while absent column are those for staff who is not at the assembly area. Staff might be trapped in the building and require for search and rescue by the Singapore Civil Defence Force.
Assembly Area
All tenants have to assemble at the Basketball Court next to Multi-Purpose Hall (MPH) or Meeting Hall. Time will be recorded from the start to the end. Once all accounted for the drill will end when Fire Safety  Manager receive all the attendance.

Inspection of Fire Extinguisher:

As some of you aware of my reminder that Fire Extinguisher require to send for inspection when it expire. Please send me an email, the serial number and new expiry date. Fire extinguisher which have not expired or those who have send me an email can ignore this message.

Regards and Thank you.

Imran Bin Ismail
Fire Safety Manager 
JTC Launchpad @ One-North
Fire Command Centre
Blk 79 Ayer Rajah Crescent
Mobile: (65) 8345 8465  Email:
Skype: imranismail73

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